1 pcAW Port\n 2 You cannot add ports of this type.\n 3 You cannot delete ports of this type.\n 4 There is nothing to configure for this port.\n 5 A video compatibility problem caused pcAnywhere to switch to the 'Compatibility' video mode. To re-enable the 'Accelerated' video mode, choose Application Options from the Tools menu and reset the video mode on the Host Operation property page.\n 6 pcAnywhere 7 pcAnywhere has had a compatibility problem with your system. AW_HOST.SYS has been Disabled. You may re-enable via the Devices Applet located in the control panel.\n 8 test 9 pcAnywhere has detected an error which would prevent Win NT from starting. Therefore, pcAnywhere has removed one of its components to ensure that it does not cause the problem in the future. 10 This removal will cause a loss of full pcAnywhere host functionality. Please contact Symantec's tech support for a replacement AWGINA.DLL. Please do not make any changes, until you try to restart Win NT.